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This tutorial explains how to post a Photo or make and post an Avatar

This is a Tutorial dealing with posting photos to the web. The photos may be regular image photographs or specially modified ones known as Avatars. There is a proper way to do this to maintain your computer's security and stay safe from hackers.

If you've read and mastered the PicPick Tutorial you will already be able to take photos on the net with your computer using the PicPick program as your built in camera using your mouse to capture the images.

We will work with free hosting web sites such as PhotoBucket.com to display your photo images as a gallery for storing and linking to. You don't want to link to photo images directly from your computer's hard drive as it could compromise your online security to hackers.

We will use an image editor to edit and resize the images
you capture with the ScreenShot Wizard, your Digital Camera, or images your friends send you. This will enhance your photos to where they are clear and easily understood at a glance. In the case of Avatars, which are mini photos or one's message board identity, they start with clear clean images which can be reduced and still be intelegable.
Simple images are best for this purpose. At AskMen.com the
Avatar must be no more than 96 pixels in size vertically or horizontally, with a total file size of 7Kb or less. The
image editor will make simple work of this and this is one
image that will be uploaded directly from your hard drive as it goes into a secure location. Images posted on a message board from your computer's hard drive would not be
as secure.

This is a simple over view of the process, and it isn't as difficult as you may believe. Photos will be used to illustrate the process and walk you thru it and drawn in lines and circles will

Most of the time and work is spent in capturing good images
and editing them in the digital dark room. Once they are
satisfactory they will be saved as .jpg files which are the most common format. The lowest file size image in Kb (kilobytes) works best for on screen use. If you wish to print photos on an ink jet printer or from a store's Kiosk, then the larger file size images will print a sharper image.
